“A zone of silence and of pure possibilities for a new beginning."

My name is Laurens Mostert (1981, The Hague, The Netherlands). I studied Architectural Engineering in my place of birth for a few years. After that I studied Graphic Design at the KABK.

I came to realize that Dutch ZERO had to be my artistic starting point. Late 2015 I made my first relief. Click here see how I made one. I tried to develop a more distinct signature from the start. Since early 2020 that has resulted in other series.

The creative process is both intuitive and analytical. Concentration, control and contrast are connected to my work. My aspiration is to render the great in a subtle way. And I want the pieces to be timeless.

artist statement

“Everything is made from smaller parts than itself.
Yet everything is part of something larger than itself.
Everything changes constantly.
Yet everything turns into the same patterns.
Everything falls apart at one point.
Yet everything forms new connections.”

“I believe that all minimalistic art emphasizes,
that black and white are the same thing,
emptiness contains everything,
and zero and infinity are one.”

For questions, feel free to leave me a message.
Thanks for visiting !

download in .pdf : Laurens Mostert portfolio